Zombie Survival Skills
See the kids in the picture wearing zombie costumes? Do NOT shoot them as they are not actual zombiez!
If you want to survive the zombie plague it is best to do so from outside a jail cell.
Do you wish you knew more about how to interact in the wild? Contrary to popular belief, learning any survival skill isn’t… Continue reading
Zombie Survival Kits Can Get You Killed
Prepping can get you killed. Even in quiet times, learning you’re a prepper can set neighbors on edge. Anything goes bang in the night, they will be quick to point you out to authorities as the crazy gun rights nut in the neighborhood. Some Police love to get into such homes to verify registrations and seize weapons for public safety. Oh you’ll… Continue reading
Zombie Bug Out Bag
Zombie Bug Out Bag Essentials.
Surviving a zombie outbreak in short term and long term emergency situations will depend on how well prepared you are to meet the basic needs of yourself and your family. More than ever, many people are seeing the wisdom in having the essentials they need to survive packed and ready to go ahead of time regardless… Continue reading
Zombie Survival Foods
Every zombie fighter at some point in their career wonders what they would eat if they were trapped by zombies in the forest or stuck in the dessert escaping the horde. While you may not necessarily find yourself in these exact situations, having a supply of survival food on hand can’t hurt when it comes to staying prepared. Here are a few… Continue reading
Zombies and Other Natural Disasters
As if Disease, Earthquakes, Floods, Hail Storms, Hurricanes, Ice Storms, Lightning, Monsoons, Plagues, Tornados, Tsunamis and Volcanos weren’t bad enough, send in the Zombies. We are locked in a death match with a planet that is trying to kill us! Surviving (free report) Basic Natural Disaster Preparedness from earthquakes to zombies takes planning and preparation.
Earthquake Emergency Preparation
Zombie Outdoor Survival School
When it comes to wilderness survival techniques, many beginners rely on books and videos at first, simply because they’re what’s most readily available. However, while these sources of information are quite useful, they can’t replace hands on experience. Here are a few ways an outdoor survival school can benefit you whether in the woods or when the power goes out.
What… Continue reading
War of the Zombies
WAR OF THE ZOMBIES by Robert Perkis
Dear Reader: I put this account to paper with full knowledge of the zombies who attacked us and hence refer to them throughout as zombies. However, at the time we had no idea who or what we were dealing with.
CHAPTER ONE… Continue reading
Zombie Desert Survival
Whether the zombies have chased you out onto the desert. Are on an epic zombie hunting trip and got lost in the desert. Or you just want to experience the lower zombie population of the desert. It’s perfectly possible to do so without risking excessive personal harm. It’s simply a matter of being prepared. Here are a few tips on… Continue reading