Hunting Safety Tips

f17Zombie hunting will survive the destruction of civilization. In fact, it will flourished into one of the most necessary occupations popular in the world. Unfortunately, one of the future world’s favorite past times can also be one of its most dangerous. Every hunter should know some basic things before heading out into the land of the dead.

The most important safety… Continue reading

Zombie Survival Suit

Everybody knows what camouflage is, but far fewer people have seen a ghillie suit. And unless you are looking very hard, you may not see it period. The ghillie suit dates back to Scotland when Barons would hire guys to go around their lands and hunt poachers in the beginnings of the ghillie suit. They were called ghillies and would make suits from rags and frayed… Continue reading

Zombie Town Survive & Escape

We called the place Zombie Town. Name on the map will be in the mission report. This was a strange one. Maybe the eggheads will figure it out.

Walking into town we almost mistook it for a safe zone. Police sitting in patrol cars, people walking, then we spotted the girl in the bake shop behind racks of moldy cakes and realized she was zombie… Continue reading

Zombie Outdoor Survival Knives

Hunting Knife Overview – Selecting The Right Model

Almost every zombie fighter and provisions hunter team member needs a knife to handle tasks while out in the woods. These tasks include everything from knives used for cutting twine, field dressing and even cutting down small trees.

But how do you choose the right knife? First, let’s define some major types of knives… Continue reading

Zombie Survival Tactics Q&A

Q: Do zombies exist? How can I prove it?

A: The Authorities Do Not Need You To Prove Zombies Exist.

Movie zombies, Sci-Fi zombies, rotting zombie corpses that rise from the grave to feast on the living, no that’s never going to happen. The dead cannot rise, they are dead and deader.

Depending on the nature of the zombie plague outbreak, real zombies… Continue reading

Zombie Survival Equipment

When planning zombie hunting sweeps and other zombie related activities, no one likes to imagine the odds of an emergency occurring. However, as much as we like to focus on how exciting our hunt will be, it’s never a good idea to assume everything will go smoothly. This is why having at least a minimal amount of survival equipment is essential for any trip from hours… Continue reading

Zombie Survival Retreat Strategy

Strategizing the retreat during a heated zombie attack.

It’s hard times when the team realizes it is necessary to retreat, but nevertheless there are numerous ways to execute a successful retreat. Here’s how.

Strategize a plan. The whole team must be ready to head for a safe area if it is necessary to retreat. Find a place that provides enough cover to protect yourselves… Continue reading

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