Picking the Best Rifle

f15Picking the right rifle for the zombie hunt is vitally important because it can make or break the hunt itself. You never know what problems may arise from having the wrong rifle at the hunt, so ensure that you have taken the time to pick the best tool for the job. There are a number of criteria points that should be explored… Continue reading

Zombies and Other Natural Disasters

f23As if Disease, Earthquakes, Floods, Hail Storms, Hurricanes, Ice Storms, Lightning, Monsoons, Plagues, Tornados, Tsunamis and Volcanos weren’t bad enough, send in the Zombies. We are locked in a death match with a planet that is trying to kill us! Surviving (free report) Basic Natural Disaster Preparedness from earthquakes to zombies takes planning and preparation.

Earthquake Emergency Preparation

Zombie Outdoor Survival School

f24When it comes to wilderness survival techniques, many beginners rely on books and videos at first, simply because they’re what’s most readily available. However, while these sources of information are quite useful, they can’t replace hands on experience. Here are a few ways an outdoor survival school can benefit you whether in the woods or when the power goes out.

What… Continue reading

What Kind Of Zombie Will You Want To Be ?

by Robert Perkis

Of all the fairy tale monsters that go bump in the night, zombies are the most possible, indeed the most probable and may already walk among us.

For you see, the zombie story requires no magical mystical attributes to make zombification take place. Forms of zombie plague may outbreak due to bacteria, virus, toxic waste, chemical gas and nano-tech… Continue reading

Hunting Zombie Small Fry

hw1Ignore zombie small fry at your peril. We’re all inclined to give bambi and thumper a pass while hunting. With small zombies this usually results in the loss of a finger or two and eating your gun after ending the attack.

Tips For Hunting Small Zombies

While zombie hunting is becoming more and more accepted among hunting professionals due in… Continue reading

War of the Zombies

f25WAR OF THE ZOMBIES by Robert Perkis




Dear Reader: I put this account to paper with full knowledge of the zombies who attacked us and hence refer to them throughout as zombies. However, at the time we had no idea who or what we were dealing with.

CHAPTER ONE… Continue reading

The Fine Art Of Zombie Bow Hunting

hw2Bow hunting zombies was often seen as one of those “manly” activities, but there is a small contingent of women that partake in zombie bow hunting and take the action to new levels. With bow hunting, people are getting in touch with the primitive nature of the hunt and are learning all sorts of new things about zombie prey getting in tune… Continue reading

Disease and Hunters

hw3“This Planet Is Trying To Kill Us!”

There are many possibilities for hunters to get sick like the medieval cause of disease  representation on the left. Many critics consider these zombies to be among nature’s defense mechanisms towards human interference.  The planet is trying to shake us off like fleas on a mangy dog. Whatever the case may be, care must… Continue reading

A History Of Hunting

hw4Hunting game for food, clothing and shelter is a big part of the story of the human race. It predates the human civilization we know today in many ways. There are many discoveries that are being made that confirm that notion. An Asian fossilized spearhead discovered recently was dated at over 16,000 years old, for example. There is also evidence that we… Continue reading

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